Micah Sparkman
Appears in 55 Episodes
Dead Until Dark: Chapters 1-3
Of waitresses and vampires
Dead Until Dark: Chapters 4-8
Relationship politics and graveyard sex
Dead Until Dark: Chapters 9-12
A psychic's work is never done
Living Dead in Dallas: Chapters 1-3
Come what maenad
Living Dead in Dallas: Chapters 4-5
Dallas Vampires Club
Living Dead in Dallas: Chapters 6-8
Why you should never go into a church dungeon
Living Dead in Dallas: Chapters 9-11
This orgy is getting crazy
Club Dead: Chapters 1-5
Some Jacksonian vampirism
Club Dead: Chapters 6-10
An intermission to dispose of a body, then back to the club!
Club Dead: Chapters 11-15
Sookie saves the night
Dead to the World: Prologue-Chapter 5
Sookie stays out of trouble for almost one full evening
Dead to the World: Chapters 6-10
The older the fangs, the sweeter the bang(s)
Dead to the World: Chapters 11-15
A bloodbath, and not the pleasant kind
Dead as a Doornail: Chapters 1-5
A bad time to be a shifter
Dead as a Doornail: Chapters 6-10
Treacherous were-politics and burning kitchens
Dead as a Doornail: Chapters 11-16
Snipers of different calibers
Definitely Dead: Chapters 1-7
The wonderful thing about tigers
Definitely Dead: Chapters 8-16
Werewolf attacks, vampire attacks, and vampire werewolf attacks
Definitely Dead: Chapters 17-23
Is the second date too soon to get abducted?
All Together Dead: Chapters 1-8
In which everybody tells Sookie not to do something, and she does the thing
All Together Dead: Chapters 9-13
Vampire have conventions too
All Together Dead: Chapters 14-19
Just another vampire hotel explosion
From Dead To Worse: Chapters 1-6
Weddings, wars, and mysterious strangers
From Dead to Worse: Chapters 7-14
Werewar and vampeace
From Dead to Worse: Chapters 15-21
Witch solutions to were problems
Dead and Gone: Chapters 1-6
Why did the werepanther cross the parking lot?
Dead and Gone: Chapters 7-12
This fairy stuff is getting out of control
Dead and Gone: Chapters 13-18
The terrible thing about fairies
Dead in the Family: Prologue-Chapter 4
Recoveries and discoveries
Dead in the Family: Chapters 5-9
Friends, Romans, vampires...